Dear Colleagues,
Last year was challenging, yet we managed to end the year with great results. This year, we started off brilliantly with the contribution from IC RL/MOL winning a 10 year Blue Line maintenance service extension contract. This of course cannot be achieved without good team work from the operation to the management levels. This well reflects us as “One Team – One Siemens”.
This year’s Management Info Day” (MID), themed “Company for the Future: One Team – One Siemens!” as well as our One Siemens Night (OSN), themed “Learn & Grow together for the Future: One Siemens School !”shall be held on March 21, 2014 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok.
The “One Siemens Night,” is an important annual event which all employees look forward to. This annual event organized by the company expresses our appreciation towards our staff for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Most importantly, the One-Siemens Night provides a wonderful opportunity for all staff to come together to have fun and to foster stronger bonding so as to facilitate even better collaboration within the company. Please mark your calendar and join the Siemens family for a fun-filled night together as a team.
I look forward to see you all there!
With best regards,