3 write one of the Thai custom with it detail?
House warming has been around for so many decades in Thailand. People are mainly belief in this traditional Thai custom. These usually took place when the new house has been built or even people moving into a new house. For decades, Thai people belief that moving into the new house, they will start everything new and can provide them with new fortunes. This house warming tradition can bring them with merits and many lucks into the new house. Some says this house warming party will provide them with a new prosperity to the owner of the house. There are three types of merit of the new house warming. There are religious ceremony, group of monks are invited to chant within the house and the third one is combine both Buddhist religious and Brahmanistic ceremonies. Within these three, the most popular one is the group of monks are invited to chant in the late morning after the food has been served to them. The owner will actually serve the food to the monk before noon because the monk can not have any food at all for the whole day. After they have done with the food, the monk will actually blessed with the holy water around the house and have a short speech within the family members. After the monk left, the family members can celebrate by singing or having luch afterwards.
Therefore, House warming can be of the important Thai custom which has been passed along for so many years. Thai people are mainly belief that the house will be blessed and the fortunes will keep coming into the new house.