The policy for Executive Directors, set out below, will apply from the date of the 2014 AGM (subject to approval), and is available to view
The Committee will consider the remuneration policy annually to ensure it remains aligned with strategic objectives. However, it is
intended that the policy set out below will apply for three years from the 2014 AGM; if any amendments need to be made to the policy
within that timeframe, it will first be presented to be voted upon by shareholders.
• misconduct that causes significant damage or potential damage to IHG’s prospects, finances or brand reputation; and/or
• actions that lead to material misstatement or restatement of accounts.
This may include, where appropriate, negligence on the part of Executive Directors.
This feature helps ensure alignment between executive reward and shareholder returns.
The policy for Executive Directors, set out below, will apply from the date of the 2014 AGM (subject to approval), and is available to viewat Committee will consider the remuneration policy annually to ensure it remains aligned with strategic objectives. However, it isintended that the policy set out below will apply for three years from the 2014 AGM; if any amendments need to be made to the policywithin that timeframe, it will first be presented to be voted upon by shareholders.• misconduct that causes significant damage or potential damage to IHG’s prospects, finances or brand reputation; and/or• actions that lead to material misstatement or restatement of accounts.This may include, where appropriate, negligence on the part of Executive Directors.This feature helps ensure alignment between executive reward and shareholder returns.
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