Dear K.Chuthamat,
Sorry, we can not accept the plan below. We also need a new plan is 7-Jun as SDM requested, according to an e-mail attachment.
Please reply in your acceptance this schedule to us within 14:00 today and reply self audit to us also.
And please prepare with all evidence to support the following topics in the audit check sheet.
Dear Sir
We confirm process audit at YMST.
Ø Date : 8-Jun’16
Ø Time : 10:00-16:00
Ø Member : 1. Mr.Miyamura H.
2. Mr.Udom B.
3. Mr.Nithee G.
4. Ms.Piyanuch P.
Could you please confirm audit date at Mizuki, We are convenience as below;
Ø Date : 7-Jun’16
Ø Time : 10:00-16:00
Ø Member : 1. Mr.Miyamura H.
2. Mr.Udom B.
3. Mr.Nithee G.
4. Ms.Piyanuch P.