Direct addition of essential oils to food will result in
immediate reduction of bacterial population, and may alter
the sensory characteristics of added food. Thus, incorporation
of essential oils to edible films may have supplementary
applications in food packaging. The use of essential
oils in the WPI film production is very promising. Biologically
active substances of some essential oils were effective
in WPI films based on the zone of inhibition assay. Oregano
and garlic essential oil added films exhibited larger
inhibitory zones on S. aureus, S. enteritidis, L. monocytogenes,
E. coli and L. plantarum as compared to rosemary
essential oil incorporated films. Further investigation is
needed for other spice and plant extracts for their efficacy
in bio-based films. Such application of edible films containing
oregano and garlic essential oils in the sausage casings
and individually wrapped process sliced cheese packaging
may have great benefits.