Believe me and I know what I'm talking about. Now is better for you working in Bangkok. It is better life and maybe really we meet one day soon in bangkok :). Now you know I have problems about my son, but this problems will also finish soon. And I must tell you something again and I don't like speak about that but I will say that: mother of my son is from small village. before she work same you in office accounting. One day I meet her and sure she have nothing and I don't care. I don't need nothing from her, but ok...she have nothing. She want stay in village...I say ok... she want house...I say ok...she want kids...I say ok...she want car...I say OK....and one day she wake up and she have everything and she forgot how she get all and she forgot how is NOT easy make money because everything come from me very easy. Before she never drink alcohol and she was very nice girl. Now she have NOTHING, because she think...what I don't know. Now maybe have some stupid Thai man from some small village. Have no car..I will take from her my son sure one day and if I can I will take house for my son or in May I will burn that house and she have nothing same before and no future. She can just drink alcohol together with some man from village. I'm sure YOU don't want have same in your life.