4. Discussions
4.1. Researchers/ Lecturers/Scholars
From the findings (table 1.), researchers, lecturers and
other scholars are very recessive to information and so an
aggressive effort need to be channeled towards reaching out
to them with specialized information packages. This user
group has a very high level of information consumption
and utilization capacity. Every aspect of their profession is
yawning for quality, accurate and timely information. For
instance, many times scholars have academic and research
targets to be reached within a specific short period of time,
this and many other coinciding issues contending for their
time make the use of the library and information centers a
thing under “perpetual postponement”. If the library or the
information broker should target this group of people, and
begin to assemble and extract literature from both
electronic and book format, then matching these
customized literature to each users need, definitely they
will be willing to pay. Not only being willing, they can