Class Excursions: 20%
Attend the class excursions set by your trainer and for each excursion you must complete an excursion questionnaire form. Excursions are compulsory and marks will be deducted if you do not attend.
You will be allocated into a small group and will be required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your excursions, present your findings to the class. Your presentation content must:
provide details, photos and promotional material related to what you observed,
Key findings
Highlights of examples of good customer service from the various places visited
A gap analysis between what you would expect as a customer versus the level of service you experienced.
Solutions that will help the places you visited improve their service.
Powerpoint layout:
no more than 8 lines per slide,
must be in point form,
ensure that you and your partner are actively collaborating on this assessment,
Do not copy and paste from the excursion questionnaire or any other sources.