5.1 Factors for success
Factors for success are those occurrences whose
presence or absence determines the success of
an ICT project. They can be drivers or enablers as
described by (Moran 1998, Riley 2000, Doherty et
al. 1998, Heeks 2003b, Mugonyi 2003, Heeks
2004, Khaled 2003). . Their absence can cause
failure and their presence can cause success.
Drivers are the factors that encourage or reinforce
the successful implementation of ICT projects.
Some of these are listed below:
• Vision and strategy
• Government support
• External pressure and donor support
• Rising consumer expectations
• Technological change, modernization,
and globalization
Enablers are the active elements present in
society, which help overcome the potential
barriers. Some of these are listed below:
• Effective project, coordination and change
• Good practice
5.1 Factors for successFactors for success are those occurrences whosepresence or absence determines the success ofan ICT project. They can be drivers or enablers asdescribed by (Moran 1998, Riley 2000, Doherty etal. 1998, Heeks 2003b, Mugonyi 2003, Heeks2004, Khaled 2003). . Their absence can causefailure and their presence can cause success.Drivers are the factors that encourage or reinforcethe successful implementation of ICT projects.Some of these are listed below:• Vision and strategy• Government support• External pressure and donor support• Rising consumer expectations• Technological change, modernization,and globalizationEnablers are the active elements present insociety, which help overcome the potentialbarriers. Some of these are listed below:• Effective project, coordination and changemanagement• Good practice
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