6.2. Animal movement
In terms of hunting, the way that the animals move is as follows. •Rabbits move quickly in a curving path, then stop for a few seconds, and move again, they also make allot of squeaking noises while doing so.
•Wolves move at a slowish pace, but seem to have a long stride, they could be on 1 side of you in the first second and on the other in the next. they sometimes attack on sight and run away too fast to follow, but they usually just jog through without incident. When you make them angry by hitting them, they'll come after you, sometimes breaking off the attack to follow a more promising target or just to mislead you farther, so don't be surprised if a wolf is hit by someone near you, starts to attack them back, then suddenly runs up and bites you instead before dodging away.
•Bears move quite slowly, but determinedly, so unless you give them a reason to change direction they won't, but if you do attack them, they will head towards you, sometimes moving slightly left or right in the process, and then they will maul the heck out of you until you back up and break off your efforts.
12.3. Hunting rabbits
The way I hunt rabbits is to firstly make sure that I'm at an optimal range to make a kill, otherwise it's more than likely that they'll be gone before I can get into the correct position anyway, this is usually 25 tiles at maximum. I check the rabbit's position at least every second with the A key, and make sure that it is very slightly left or right and forward of me before even attempting a shot, I also sort of build a rectangular box encompassing both of us in my mind, so that I know when very slight turns to slight, which is the edge of that box, then I try to find the center point which is where the rabbit will be, and fire, then I move 1 to the left, fire, 1 to the right, fire, and again 1 to the right fire,or vice versa and check position to see if they moved and I need to acquire the rabbit's position again, something which I do not attempt to do if they are already more than 30 tiles away. However, with rabbits, at least at first, as long as you are fast enough and have a decent amount of energy to spare, it's almost better to go after them with a melee weapon like an axe or a hammer. I'd say that the most difficult thing about hunting rabbits would be when you're in a constantly changing group of them, since the game isn't very good at telling you which is the most valuable target, and therefore you end up wasting time making sure your on track to the right one with each press of the A key, and you get distracted by the running and squeaking sounds of the other animals. The best places to find rabbits would be northwest of the pond, and in the dirt trail across the bend in the river between the leaves and weeds, as well as anywhere within the weed pile really.
12.4. Hunting wolves
Wolves are probably the most difficult animals to hunt, because they move so quickly, so unlike rabbits, as soon as you get one with A, you should memorize the position and rapidly attempt to get to the last known location. Once you do so, you should stay out of the wolfs path while paralleling it and keeping it ahead of you, then you should attempt a few shots when you get the very slightly left or right message, once you get the wolf mad, it's easy enough to find it most of the time, but the trick is to not let it find you, so keep backing up and listening to how loud your shot impacts are to gage the distance between you and it, because if it does get you, it won't do allot of damage, but it would almost certainly leap away and be hard to find again. If you keep it up though, then you can lead the wolf right to it's death, but note that with a weapon that has limited ammo, this may not work as well, while at the same time, using short range melee weapons on a wolf is difficult because they move often when making contact, which is why a spear or boomerang is probably best for this part. The most difficult thing about hunting wolves is obviously that they move fast, but also that they tend to get easily distracted by other people and go after them instead, so sometimes it's just best to let one go if your near a group of other people. Wolves can be found near the leaves between the bend in the river and the desert, but also sometimes to the east of the pond, how ever, since they have such a wide range of movement, pinpointing any common locations is difficult.
12.5. Hunting Bears
Hunting bears is dangerous work, because once their on you, their really on you, and the loud noise of the attacks, coupled with the speed and damage they can inflict makes a potent combination, but they do move slowly and make allot, of noise, which is a distinct advantage, and most of the time you won't even be touched if your smart. Bears are the only animals who you can consistently get a full lock on, E.g.. straight ahead, but doing so requires you to chart their movements and stay ahead of them, sort of like