where TC(hkl) is the texture coefficient of the (hkl) plane and I(hkl) is the measured intensity. The valueof thetexturecoefficientindicatesthe maximumpreferredorientationof the filmsalongthediffraction plane, meaning that the increase in preferred orientation is associated with increase in the number of grains along that plane. As the substrate temperatures increased from 0 to 400C, the TC(002) of AZO film increased from 0.7 to 0.72. The increase in amount of preferred orientation associated with the increased number of grains along (002) [17]. Also, the full width a half maximum (FWHM) of (002) peak decreased with increasing the substrate temperature, this means that the crystallinityofthesefilmsenhanceswithsubstratetemperature.Theimprovementinhighersubstrate temperature is due to the increase in the mobility of the sputtered AZO atoms [18]. The average crystallite size of the AZO film is determined using the Scherrer formula [19]