I believe that we all come to need to have ambition. Each person had a different dream. Some people dream that grow up to become a doctor, it is going to be a programmer or someone may be becoming a veterinarian. And all of them are good occupation.
I’m 17 years old right now. Study in Secondary School . As a little kid I always liked computers and wanted to work at them. I wanted to be a programmer. Lots of members of our generation would like to have this fun job. As far as skills are concerned, you only need the basic programming stuff. You need to know which programme you should use, what codes you should type and at last you need to have a good computer for it. The good qualities include your ability to make all kinds of games you can enjoy. You can also make programmers for a computer to do all the filing for you and much more. For bad qualities, I can only say that you can damage your eyesight. The reasons why you should do this job is mainly because it is a lot of fun and comfortable, and you can enjoy yourself each day you work. And it's make me happy . Because it's a my dream occupation.
I can tired but never give up, It's my words when I'm tired because if I stepped back just one step away to dream again. So I will make my dream come to be true. For make my parents proud of me and make a happy future.