I dont agree at all!
You say gamblers dont have a choice, I dont accept this. Gambling is not a physical addiction the way that smoking or alcohol is and even if it was it is still up to the gambler to break their addiction.
Moreover anyone moaning that they dont have a choice when addicted is forgetting that they did not start life addicted. At some point you had a choice whether you wanted to risk addiction or not and chose the dangerous path, It is then up to you to pull yourself up as a result of that bad decision.
The government has no role in decisions like this. First it should not be paying for your mistakes and second it should not be legislating on things that are down to individual choice. The government has no right to decide what we do with our money and so it has no right to ban gambling. Gambling may be immoral but that means that individuals should know better than to engage in it rather than that the government should begin engaging in bans that will never be successful.
In areas like this the government is never the answer!