There is also a possible confound in that we were not able to get reliable and valid data on the portion of time spent on the various treatment types in the eclectic group. For instance, one might argue that it is possible that a child in the eclectic group received behavioral treatment 90% of the time and other types of treatment only 10% of the time. This would imply that this child received essentially the same treatment as a child in the behavioral group. However, our general impression is that these programs were truly eclectic, in the sense that rather than devoting a certain amount of time to treatment X, Y and Z, the aim was to approach each child individually and combine elements from various types of treatment A clear need for future research is to develop objective, reliable measures of the portion of time devoted to different interventions in a treatment between ABA approaches and others by saying that ABA uses both stimulus control and systematic reinforcement, while other approaches tend to rely more on stimulus control. Another distinction may be that ABA uses systematic prompting and prompt fading procedures, whereas other approaches may not. Thus, systematic reinforcement and systematic prompting prompt fading may be ways to distinguish ABA from other interventions. "Systematic" means that there would be a specific schedule of reinforce- ment (e.g., continuous reinforcement), or specified kinds of prompts for particular behaviors and how to fade these g., a specified prompt hierarchy deter mined by level of intrusiveness) written in the program book or agreed in the team meeting Children in the present study did not make significant progress in adaptive behavior, as mea sured by VABS, except in the communication domain. Thus, mainstreaming participants in ordin- ary kindergartens with typical peers did not seem to have any major impact on either socialization or daily living skills. In contrast, most studies with intensive behavioral treatment have reported significant changes on all domains of the VABS including the