The trio came to the dining hall and saw Meirin and Meg, who were in the process of laying out the dishes. Finally, Meirin noticed Zhao Hai, she bowed and said: “Young master, you woke up, I was going ready to send Meg to call you for lunch.”
Zhao Hai said, while smiling: “Raise your head, Grandma Meirin, tell the slaves to temporarily stop arrangements in the mine after lunch . They can continue to do it again tomorrow. It is not like we will have delivery of Blue-Eyed Rabbits soon. You should prepare twine and ruler. We will go to measure Black Land. The area of about 10 mu (area equal to 0,0667 hectare; 1/6 acre) will be marked. It is almost spring isn’t it? We have to seize the moment.”
Meirin replied to Zhao Hai gloomily: “Young master, it is Black Land outside, it cannot be cultivated. Although we bought a lot of different seeds, but it is for sowing on the hills of mountain range. It is a waste to sow them on Black Lands. To measure anything makes no sense at all.”
Zhao Hai smiled and said: “Don’t worry Grandma Meirin, I have a way to transform these Black Lands’ soil. It is possible to change black soil into fertile soil suitable for farming. You should find a responsible man for cultivating this.”
The eyes of Meirin kindled with happiness: “Young master, is what you said true? Do you really have a method to change this disastrous place outside? Can these desolate lands become fertile and suitable for farming?” Her voice was trembling as she was too excited. This Black Land is the largest flat area in the entire Aksu Empire, about one third of the empire’s land size. But the Aksu Empire doesn’t take Black Land into account, because it is a wasteland.
However, if it could be suitable for farming, then what will change? This place will become richest land of the Aksu Empire, a place many people would be envious of.
It was the age of magic civilization on the Ark continent. People mostly took heed of magic, martial arts, different types of magic ores, but regardless of age, agriculture takes up most important part in any country.
Food is the God of the people. You may be powerful through magic, but you can’t eat it! Your martial arts level might be high, but you have no choice but to have a meal! Even if there is some rich country, it will not exist without making food as it’s national priority. If it relies on different countries in this matter, then it will soon perish.
If all the land of this waste area could be cultivated, it will become granary of the whole Ark continent. There is no place as big and as suitable for farming like the Black Land.
Furthermore, there is the another reason why Meirin was so excited. In order to starve the Buda clan to death, Emperor Aksu Aboyo invited messenger from the Church and ambassadors of different countries to be witnesses of agreement between the Buda clan and Empire. And so under the God’s testimony Black Land became the fief of the Buda clan.