Islands characteristics provide several advantages as laboratory for studying 100% renewable
energy sources (RES) systems. Their isolation makes them a unique laboratories, to gain
knowledge and understanding of people/ environment relationships 1
; to prove its feasibility
and acquire the needed knowledge for such systems to work; to be pioneer project, basis of
other islands projects and even a global 100%RES electricity system. The objective of this
research has been to evaluate if 100% renewable electricity systems are feasible based on the
experience being done in two European islands with different RES potentials and 100% RES
commitment. For such a system to be sustainable, a proper renewable energy potential to
cover the actual and future demand is needed. A holistic approach is required; a case specific
combination of RES has to be established. Profitability in the exploitation of renewable energy
sources has to be assured. The electricity market has to lead to the convenient energy mix, as
to support the subsistence of the electricity system. A proper governmental intervention will
be required. The, traditionally not accounted, social and environmental cost of the electricity
systems can play a significant role in its feasibility. Factors influencing the sustainability of the
system; driving forces, risk and barriers has been identified.
Islands characteristics provide several advantages as laboratory for studying 100% renewableenergy sources (RES) systems. Their isolation makes them a unique laboratories, to gainknowledge and understanding of people/ environment relationships 1; to prove its feasibilityand acquire the needed knowledge for such systems to work; to be pioneer project, basis ofother islands projects and even a global 100%RES electricity system. The objective of thisresearch has been to evaluate if 100% renewable electricity systems are feasible based on theexperience being done in two European islands with different RES potentials and 100% REScommitment. For such a system to be sustainable, a proper renewable energy potential tocover the actual and future demand is needed. A holistic approach is required; a case specificcombination of RES has to be established. Profitability in the exploitation of renewable energysources has to be assured. The electricity market has to lead to the convenient energy mix, asto support the subsistence of the electricity system. A proper governmental intervention willbe required. The, traditionally not accounted, social and environmental cost of the electricitysystems can play a significant role in its feasibility. Factors influencing the sustainability of thesystem; driving forces, risk and barriers has been identified.
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