• Cover up all exposed skin when outside between
dusk and dawn, e g, wear long sleeve sand trousers.
Clothing can also be treated with insecticide.
• Apply a repellent containing 50% diethyltolu-
amide (DEET) to exposed skin following manufac-
turer’s instructions. Reapplication may be necessary
throughout the evening. Alternatives to DEET are
available if this is not acceptable to the traveler.
• On retiring, ensure the room is clear of mosquitoes
by the use of a plug-in insecticide vaporizer or knock-
down spray.
• Sleep in an air-conditioned or well-screened room
where possible. In some situations, when out of
doors or sleeping in poorly screened rooms, use an
insecticide-treated mosquito net.
The various repellents and other modes of bite
avoidance for travelers have recently been the subject of
an evidence-based review.