The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) promotes a change of European water governance towards
increased stakeholder participation and water management according to river basins. To implement
the WFD, new institutional arrangements are needed. In Sweden, water councils have been established
on the local level to meet the requirements of the WFD of a broad stakeholder involvement in water
management. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge on institutional arrangements
for meeting the WFD requirements on stakeholder participation in local water management. A case
study of two adjacent catchments in southern Sweden is presented to analyze how institutional legacy
affect organizational arrangements and stakeholder participation. Based on literature studies and semistructure
interviews, the case study is analyzed with special emphasis on the scope, the organization
and the activities in practical water management in catchments. The result shows different institutional
arrangements for water management, despite similarities of the catchments’ characteristics and the
regulatory framework on national and regional level.
The study identifies four important factors regarding institutional arrangements for water councils
and local stakeholder participation in water management. Firstly, an organization involving key stakeholders
that are committed to the scope and goals of the water council and willing to provide resources
for the implementation of the planned activities. Secondly, institutional arrangements that include a
willingness for flexibility and awareness of the need to include the most relevant stakeholders. Thirdly,
a clear leadership to drive the process to realize the specific goals and assess the outcome. Fourthly, voluntary
involvement of farmers to take part in the implementation of the measures and contribute with
knowledge and experiences regarding local conditions.