I am one of the biggest Manny Pacquiao fans out there, and this is mainly because first and foremost, I am a fan of the sport of Boxing. Manny is a fighter in the truest sense of the word. I would pick him over Floyd in a street fight any day of the week. But there is a reason why his sport is called boxing, not fighting. Boxing is the sweet science, the manly art of self-defense. Mastery of it means to avoid getting hit and to hit in return. Floyd is a boxing savant. He showed it that night. He controlled the boxing match. Did it make for an exciting fight? Probably not, but he was able to neutralize one of the greatest offensive fighters all time, and he made it look almost seamless. That is no small feat. Manny’s my guy, and like millions of people around the world, I was dejected the whole day yesterday. I will always root for Pacquiao, but I know what I saw. I saw unparalleled defensive skills and impeccable counterpunching. As a fan of the sport of boxing, I appreciated it. Mayweather won that night, and he’s actually been very gracious in his victory. Respect given to where respect is due. Props to him. Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system…it’s time to focus on the NBA Playoffs! Go Warriors!