Despite concerns about Big Brother Amazon, tons of people love the personalized experience Amazon offers. It's not just sales offers -- there's a community on that's based on people providing even more information about themselves to other Amazon users. People write their own reviews, recommendations, "So You'd Like To..." guides and "Listmania" lists based on Amazon's product offerings and share them with all of One Listmania list, "The Top 25 Weirdest Items You Can Purchase Through Amazon!" by Sheila Chilcote-Collins of Van Wert, Ohio, includes a jar of S.E.P. (Stop Eating Poop) that should make your dog stop eating its own feces; bird feed in the form of live caterpillars shipped to your doorstep; and a book entitled "Owl Puke" that comes complete with a genuine pellet of regurgitated owl meal. You can make any sort of list you want, and any Amazon member can view it and rate it.