I feel compelled to share my thoughts on this Brexit situation. Most people who read this will - like me - be pretty liberal and to the left, because let's face, it you're all my friends which means you're awesome and right about most stuff. On Brexit, basically all of the people (if my timeline is anything to go by) who are broadly speaking liberal and to the left are pro-Remain.
I'm not, which will probably surprise most of you, but let me explain why.
Our political system sucks. We just re-elected the Tories despite the fact that they told us in advance that they were basically going to rake working people over the coals with austerity, gradually screw over the NHS and all the other bad stuff that we know they're all about. We almost never have real choices between parties who offer anything positive, just more of the same dross. Most young people don't engage with politics as much as they could because, having access to all the info they do, they know enough to understand that the system is rigged against them, and almost everyone else. Most old people do engage with politics, but they consume shitty corporate media that is full of lies and misinformation, meaning they don't have a clue what's going on. So that's our system in an inadequately-explained-by-me nutshell. Pretty terrible. And I think it needs to be changed.
So, if we stay in the EU, we have that already terrible system supplemented by a slew of un-elected bureaucrats who are mostly interested in their cushy pensions and are, to us, completely unaccountable. Of the ones who are voted in, not enough people actually engage in their election to make them legitimate as our representatives, hence why so many of them, like Farage was, are basically just an expression of how much people think the EU sucks. So my point is here, that the EU system is also terrible, and actually a lot worse in terms of how much democracy and accountability there is.
If I think, and I do, that the British system needs a complete overhaul, it makes no sense to be part of the EU. It's ultimately a barrier stopping us achieve the change that we need to make in order to make our own Democracy work properly, because to actually overthrow the current system in any meaningful way we would need to break pretty much every EU law ever. So for those of us liberals and progressives who think that all the warmongering establishment toffs and paedophiles in the government, the house of lords, the royal family etc. who control our country need to be gotten rid of, how does the EU help? It doesn't, it really just adds another layer of objectionable establishment douchebags to the mix. I get that there are sound economic arguments for staying in. Most of the experts seem to be saying the same thing, which probably means that they're right, and Britain may suffer a bit economically from leaving, but that seems to me to be a small price to pay for the ability to control our own destiny, and tell at least one group of greedy elites to bugger off.
So that's my position. Like it or not, I thought about it a lot, and I didn't get it from listening to the maniacs on either side. Now, to complicate things further, I obviously know that most people who are voting for Brexit aren't voting for the these reasons. A significant amount of them are doing it because they're scared (by the knobs who ran the Leave campaign mostly) or just xenophobic and bigoted. So even though Leave has won, there is no mandate for any of the positive changes I would like to see made. More likely there will be a perceived mandate for Farage's disgusting policies. But look at how many people voted Leave. There must have been an awful lot of people who voted Leave for other reasons, too. I'm writing this because almost no-one on my timeline appears to be acknowledging this.
So, here it is in all caps, because this is already long and rambling, and this bit needs to stand out. NOT EVERYONE WHO VOTED LEAVE IS AN IDIOT. There are probably many more people than you think who have really thought about this stuff, and come to a similar conclusion to the one I did, for similar reasons. So, there opinion is different from yours? Too bad. That's Democracy, and for once this was a real expression of Democracy. You shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed by what has happened. Everyone's voice has to be heard, and a few more people said Leave than Remain.
So, one final thought, and this one is for people saying that Britain has been divided by this process. That may be true, but if it is, it's been divided by people who refuse to hear the other side out. So for Brexiters, the Remainers have a shit-load of very good points. I was a Remainer at times. I went back and forth several times, and I ended up maybe 60/40 pro Brexit, but it was close. For Remainers, some Brexiters had other reasons than the ones people are attributing to them. Give those people some credit for having thought out their vote and coming to one of the two legit
I feel compelled to share my thoughts on this Brexit situation. Most people who read this will - like me - be pretty liberal and to the left, because let's face, it you're all my friends which means you're awesome and right about most stuff. On Brexit, basically all of the people (if my timeline is anything to go by) who are broadly speaking liberal and to the left are pro-Remain.I'm not, which will probably surprise most of you, but let me explain why.Our political system sucks. We just re-elected the Tories despite the fact that they told us in advance that they were basically going to rake working people over the coals with austerity, gradually screw over the NHS and all the other bad stuff that we know they're all about. We almost never have real choices between parties who offer anything positive, just more of the same dross. Most young people don't engage with politics as much as they could because, having access to all the info they do, they know enough to understand that the system is rigged against them, and almost everyone else. Most old people do engage with politics, but they consume shitty corporate media that is full of lies and misinformation, meaning they don't have a clue what's going on. So that's our system in an inadequately-explained-by-me nutshell. Pretty terrible. And I think it needs to be changed.So, if we stay in the EU, we have that already terrible system supplemented by a slew of un-elected bureaucrats who are mostly interested in their cushy pensions and are, to us, completely unaccountable. Of the ones who are voted in, not enough people actually engage in their election to make them legitimate as our representatives, hence why so many of them, like Farage was, are basically just an expression of how much people think the EU sucks. So my point is here, that the EU system is also terrible, and actually a lot worse in terms of how much democracy and accountability there is.If I think, and I do, that the British system needs a complete overhaul, it makes no sense to be part of the EU. It's ultimately a barrier stopping us achieve the change that we need to make in order to make our own Democracy work properly, because to actually overthrow the current system in any meaningful way we would need to break pretty much every EU law ever. So for those of us liberals and progressives who think that all the warmongering establishment toffs and paedophiles in the government, the house of lords, the royal family etc. who control our country need to be gotten rid of, how does the EU help? It doesn't, it really just adds another layer of objectionable establishment douchebags to the mix. I get that there are sound economic arguments for staying in. Most of the experts seem to be saying the same thing, which probably means that they're right, and Britain may suffer a bit economically from leaving, but that seems to me to be a small price to pay for the ability to control our own destiny, and tell at least one group of greedy elites to bugger off.So that's my position. Like it or not, I thought about it a lot, and I didn't get it from listening to the maniacs on either side. Now, to complicate things further, I obviously know that most people who are voting for Brexit aren't voting for the these reasons. A significant amount of them are doing it because they're scared (by the knobs who ran the Leave campaign mostly) or just xenophobic and bigoted. So even though Leave has won, there is no mandate for any of the positive changes I would like to see made. More likely there will be a perceived mandate for Farage's disgusting policies. But look at how many people voted Leave. There must have been an awful lot of people who voted Leave for other reasons, too. I'm writing this because almost no-one on my timeline appears to be acknowledging this.So, here it is in all caps, because this is already long and rambling, and this bit needs to stand out. NOT EVERYONE WHO VOTED LEAVE IS AN IDIOT. There are probably many more people than you think who have really thought about this stuff, and come to a similar conclusion to the one I did, for similar reasons. So, there opinion is different from yours? Too bad. That's Democracy, and for once this was a real expression of Democracy. You shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed by what has happened. Everyone's voice has to be heard, and a few more people said Leave than Remain. So, one final thought, and this one is for people saying that Britain has been divided by this process. That may be true, but if it is, it's been divided by people who refuse to hear the other side out. So for Brexiters, the Remainers have a shit-load of very good points. I was a Remainer at times. I went back and forth several times, and I ended up maybe 60/40 pro Brexit, but it was close. For Remainers, some Brexiters had other reasons than the ones people are attributing to them. Give those people some credit for having thought out their vote and coming to one of the two legit
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