All Documents in Air Tagged Air Pollution
Benchmarking Air Emissions of the 100 Largest Electric Power Producers in the U.S., 2015
The Benchmarking project uses public data to compare the emissions performance of the 100 largest power producers in the United States, and discusses market trends affecting the electric generating sector, including trends in fuel prices, technology developments, and environmental regulations.
Sneezing and Wheezing
How Climate Change Could Increase Ragweed Allergies, Air Pollution, and Asthma: 2015 Update
Issue Paper
Scientific studies have shown that our changing climate could favor the formation of more ozone smog in some areas and increase the production of allergenic pollen -- bad news for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as both ragweed pollen and high levels of ozone smog can trigger asthma attacks and worsen allergic symptoms in adults and children.
Asthma and Air Pollution
Bad air can bring on asthma attacks, even in healthy people; tracking air quality and controlling pollution from cars, factories and power plants can help.
Bad air can bring on asthma attacks, even in healthy people; tracking air quality and controlling pollution from cars, factories and power plants can help.
Toxic Power: How Power Plants Contaminate Our Air and States
The EPA recently finalized the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), requiring significant reductions in mercury and air toxic emissions, inlcuding those from the electric sector, the largest industrial source of toxic air pollution in the United States. Despite the significant benefit to public health, power companies and some in Congress continue to fight against the standards.
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Documents Tagged Air Pollution in All Sections
Air Pollution from Fracking Threatens Public Health and Communities
Issue Brief
While the links between oil and gas extraction and potential health effects are well established, a growing body of new research points to associations between unconventional oil and gas development, specifically fracking, and health threats. Although health discussions, particularly in eastern states, have focused on drinking water contamination, there is mounting evidence for a range of health threats from air pollution as well.
Dumping Dirty Diesels in Latin America
Reducing Black Carbon and Air Pollution from Diesel Engines in Latin American Countries
Efforts to reduce black carbon emissions have become an increasingly important component of national and international efforts to fight global warming, particularly as recent studies have concluded that black carbon is the second most powerful climate warming pollutant after carbon dioxide.
The Prevention and Control of Shipping and Port Emissions in China
China is home to seven of the world's ten busiest container ports. About 26 percent of the world's containers pass through the top ten Chinese ports every year. Every ship and truck brings pollution along with its cargo.
Testimony of David D. Doniger, Policy Director and Senior Attorney, Climate and Clean Air Program, Natural Resources Defense Council
Hearing on the U.S. Agricultural Sector Relief Act of 2012 Subcommittee on Energy and Power-Committee on Energy and Commerce-House of Representatives-July 18, 2012 Get document in pdf.
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