Non violence
Ahimsa or non-violence is the most important virtue. That is the reason why Patanjali
Maharshi has placed it first in Yama. Practice of Ahimsa must be in thought, word and deed.
Practice of Ahimsa is not impotence or cowardice or weakness. It is the highest type of heroism.
The practice demands immense patience, forbearance and endurance, infinite inner spiritual
strength and gigantic will-power.
Ahimsa is a modification or expression of truth only. Satyam and Ahimsa always go
together. He who is established in Ahimsa can move the whole world. In his presence, all hostilities
vanish; lion and cow, cobra and mongoose, live together peacefully.
Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism lay great stress on Ahimsa. Lord Jesus also has
emphasised much on Ahimsa in his Sermon on the Mount. He says: “If anyone beats you on one
cheek, show him the other cheek also.”
He who is firmly established in Ahimsa can hope to attain Self-realisation. He who practises
Ahimsa develops cosmic love to a maximum degree. Practice of Ahimsa eventually leads to
realisation of oneness or unity of Self. Such a man only can attain self-restraint. Retaliation—tooth
for tooth, blow for blow—is the maxim, doctrine or principle of an Asura or a man of diabolic
nature. This belongs to the beastly nature. To return good for evil is divine. Constant vigilance and
alertness are needed in the practice of Ahimsa. If you are careless even a bit, you will be carried
away by the force of previous wrong Samskaras and impulses and will become a victim of Himsa,
despite your good intentions.
Brahman is Sat or Existence-Absolute. Truth must be observed in thought, word and deed.
If you are established in truth, all other virtues will cling to you by themselves. Harischandra
sacrificed everything for the sake of truth. He lives still in our hearts. Yudhishthira was also devoted
to truth. There is no virtue higher than truth. Practice of truth and Ahimsa constitute the crown and
glory of ethical life. In the Taittiriya Upanishad, the preceptor says in his convocation address to the
students: “Satyam vada—Speak the truth.” The world is rooted in truth. Dharma is rooted in truth.
All religions are rooted in truth. Honesty, justice, straightforwardness and sincerity are only
modifications or expressions of truth.
Purity comprises both external purity and internal purity. Purity implies both purity of body
and purity of mind. Purity of body is only the preliminary to purity of mind.
This body is the temple of God. It should be kept clean by daily bathing and clean dress.
Cleanliness is a part of godliness.
The restriction in diet is best calculated to make the mind pure. Food exercises a direct
influence on the mind.
Sattvic food makes the mind pure. Purity of food leads to purity of mind. Mind is only made
up of the fine essence of food. As the food is, so is the mind.
You must be pure in thought, word and deed. Your heart must be as pure as crystal or the
Himalayan snow. Then only the divine light will descend. Purity comprises such virtues as
frankness, innocence, straightforwardness and absence of all evil thoughts. He who is endowed
with purity will find it easy to tread the spiritual path.
You must have perfect self-control or self-mastery. Self-control implies both control of the
body and control of the mind. Self-control does not mean self-torture. You must lead a
well-regulated and disciplined life. You must keep all the senses under your perfect control. The
senses are like turbulent and wild horses. This body is like a chariot. Mind is the reins. Intellect is
the driver. The Atman is the Lord of the chariot. If the senses are not kept under proper control, they
will throw this chariot into a deep abyss. You will come to ruin. He who keeps the reins firm and
drives this chariot intelligently by controlling the horses (senses), will reach the destination
(Moksha or the Abode of Eternal Bliss) safely.
Self-control implies self-sacrifice, annihilation of egoism, patience, endurance, forbearance
and humility. Overcome Raga or attachment by Vairagya or dispassion. Dispassion will dawn in
your mind if you look into the defects of sensual life such as birth, death, disease, old age, pain,
sorrow, etc. (Mithya-Drishti and Dosha-Drishti). Overcome anger and hatred by Kshama or
forgiveness, love and selfless service. Overcome evil by good. Return good for evil. Overcome lust
by the practice of Brahmacharya and regular Japa and meditation. Conquer greed by charity,
generosity and disinterested actions. Conquer pride by humility and delusion by discrimination and
enquiry. Overcome jealousy by magnanimity, Atma-bhava and nobility. Conquer egoism by
self-sacrifice, self-surrender, self-abnegation and meditation on the non-dual, eternal,
self-luminous Brahman, the innermost Self, the Inner Ruler, the Immortal.
May you all attain eternal bliss and immortality through the practice of the cardinal virtues
or the fundamental Dharma.
The principle of Varnasrama Dharma is one of the basic principles of Hinduism. The
Varnasrama system is peculiar to Hindus. It is a characteristic feature of Hinduism. It is also
prevalent throughout the world according to Guna-Karma (aptitude and conduct), though there is
no such distinct denomination of this kind, elsewhere.
The duties of the castes are Varna Dharma. The four castes are Brahmana, Kshatriya,
Vaisya and Sudra. The duties of the stages in life are Asrama Dharma. The four Asramas or orders
of life are Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sannyasa.
Human society is like a huge machine. The individuals and communities are like its parts. If
the parts are weak and broken, the machine will not work. A machine is nothing without its parts.
The human body also can work efficiently if its parts and organs are in sound and strong condition.
If there is pain in any part of the body, if there is disease in any organ or part of the body, this human
machine will go out of order. It will not perform its usual function or work.
So is the case with the human society. Every individual should perform his duties
efficiently. The Hindu Rishis and sages formed an ideal scheme of society and an ideal way of
individual life, which is known by the name Varnasrama Dharma. Hinduism is built on Varnasrama
Dharma. The structure of the Hindu society is based on Varnasrama Dharma. Observance of
Varnasrama Dharma helps one’s growth and self-evolution. It is very indispensable. If the rules are
violated, the society will soon perish.
The aim of Varnasrama Dharma is to promote the development of the universal, eternal
Dharma. If you defend Dharma, it will defend you. If you destroy it, it will destroy you. Therefore,
never destroy your Dharma. This principle holds true of the individual as much as of the nation. It is
Dharma alone which keeps a nation alive. Dharma is the very soul of man. Dharma is the very soul
of a nation also.
In the West and in the whole world also, there is Varnasrama, though it is not rigidly
observed there. Some Western philosophers have made a division of three classes, viz.,
philosophers, warriors and masses. The philosophers correspond to the Brahmanas, warriors to
Kshatriyas and the masses to Vaisyas and Sudras. This system is indispensable to keep the society
in a state of perfect harmony and order.
In Purusha-Sukta of the Rig-Veda, there is reference to the division of Hindu society into
four classes. It is described there that the Brahmanas came out of the face of the Lord, the Creator,
Kshatriyas from His arms, Vaisyas from His thighs, and the Sudras from His feet.
This division is according to the Guna and Karma. Guna (quality) and Karma (kind of work)
determine the caste of a man. This is supported by Lord Krishna in the Gita, also. He says in the
Gita: “The four castes were emanated by Me, by the different distribution of qualities and actions.
Know Me to be the author of them, though the actionless and inexhaustible” (Ch. IV-13).
There are three qualities or Gunas, viz., Sattva (purity), Rajas (passion) and Tamas (inertia).
Sattva is white, Rajas is red and Tamas is black. These three qualities are found in man in varying
proportions. Sattva preponderates in some persons. They are Brahmanas. They are wise persons or
thinkers. They are the priests, ministers or philosophers who guide kings or rulers. In some, Rajas is
predominant. They are Kshatriyas. They are warriors or men of action. They fight with the enemies
or invaders and defend the country. In some, Tamas is predominant. They are Vaisyas or traders.
They do business and agriculture and amass wealth. Sudras are the servants. None of these qualities
is highly developed in them. They serve the other three castes.
In a broad sense, a Sattvic man, who is pious and virtuous and leads the divine life, is a
Brahmana, a Rajasic man with heroic quality is a Kshatriya, a Rajasic man with business tendencies
is a Vaisya and a Tamasic man is a Sudra. Hitler and Mussolini were Kshatriyas. Ford was a Vaisya.
Serenity, self-restraint, austerity, purity, forgiveness, and also, uprightness, knowledge,
Realisation and belief in God are the duties of the Brahmanas, born of (their own) nature. Prowess,
splendour, firmness, dexterity, and also, not flying from battle, generosity and lordliness are the
duties of the Kshatriyas, born of (their own) nature. Agriculture, cattle-rearing and trade are the
duties of the Vaisyas, born of (their own) nature. And action consisting of service is the duty of the
Sudras, born of (their own) nature.
The Law of Spiritual Economics
The underlying principle in caste system or Varna Dharma, is division of labour. Rishis
studied human nature carefully. They came to the conclusion that all men were not equally fit for all
kinds of work. Hence, they found it necessary to allocate different k
ไม่ใช่ความรุนแรงอาฮิมซาหรือความรุนแรงไม่ใช่เป็นคุณธรรมสำคัญที่สุด นั่นคือเหตุผลที่ทำไมปตัญชลิMaharshi ได้วางไว้ก่อนในยา อาฮิมซาปฏิบัติต้องอยู่ในความคิด คำ และหนังสืออาฮิมซาปฏิบัติไม่ใช่ภาวะ หรือ cowardice หรืออ่อนแอ ชนิดสูงสุดของวีรบุรุษได้ต้องการฝึกความอดทนอันยิ่งใหญ่ forbearance และความอดทน จิตวิญญาณภายในอนันต์ความแข็งแรงและขนาดใหญ่จะใช้พลังงานอาฮิมซาได้ปรับเปลี่ยนหรือค่าของความจริงเท่านั้น อาฮิมซาและซัทยามเสมอไปร่วมกัน ผู้ก่อตั้งในอาฮิมซาสามารถย้ายโลกทั้งโลก ในสถานะของเขา การสู้รบทั้งหมดกลีบ สิงโต และวัว งูเห่า และ พังพอน อยู่กันสงบ28เกี่ยวกับศาสนาฮินดูศาสนาฮินดู ศาสนาพุทธ และศาสนาเชนวางความเครียดมากในอาฮิมซา มีพระเยซูเจ้าemphasised มากในอาฮิมซาในพระคำเทศนาบนภูเขา เขากล่าวว่า: "ถ้าใครเต้นคุณหนึ่งแก้ม แสดงแก้มยัง"ผู้ก่อตั้งขึ้นอย่างมั่นคงในอาฮิมซาสามารถหวังว่าจะบรรลุปัญหาตนเอง ผู้ practisesอาฮิมซาพัฒนารักจักรวาลระดับสูงสุด อาฮิมซาปฏิบัติในที่สุดนำไปสู่ปัญหาของ oneness หรือเอกภาพของตนเอง ชายคนหนึ่งเท่านั้นสามารถบรรลุความอดกลั้น ต่างกันฟันสำหรับฟัน ระเบิดสำหรับระเบิด — คือแม็ก หลักคำสอน หรือหลักการของอสุราการหรือชาย diabolicธรรมชาติ นี้เป็นของธรรมชาติ beastly กลับดีชั่วเป็นพระเจ้า ระมัด และเตรียมพร้อมมีความจำเป็นในการฝึกของอาฮิมซา ถ้าคุณไม่ระมัดระวังแม้ว่าบิต คุณจะสามารถดำเนินการเก็บ โดยแรงก่อนหน้า Samskaras และแรงกระตุ้นที่ไม่ถูกต้อง และจะกลายเป็นเหยื่อของ Himsaแม้ มีความตั้งใจดีของคุณความจริงBrahman เป็นเสาร์ หรือ สัมบูรณ์อยู่ ต้องสามารถสังเกตความจริงในความคิด คำ และหนังสือถ้าคุณจะสร้างในความจริง คุณธรรมอื่น ๆ ทั้งหมดจะเกาะติดกับคุณเอง Harischandraเสียสละทุกอย่างเพื่อความจริง เขาอยู่ในหัวใจของเรา นอกจากนี้ยังได้ทุ่มเท Yudhishthiraความจริง มีคุณธรรมไม่สูงกว่าความจริง ปฏิบัติจริงและอาฮิมซาเป็นมงกุฎ และเกียรติของจริยธรรม Taittiriya Upanishad, preceptor กล่าวในที่อยู่ของเขา convocationนักเรียน: "ซัทยาม vada — พูดความจริง" โลกเป็นรากจริง ธรรมเป็นรากจริงศาสนาทุกศาสนามีรากจริง ความซื่อสัตย์ ยุติธรรม เห็น และความจริงใจได้เท่านั้นปรับเปลี่ยนหรือนิพจน์ของจริงความบริสุทธิ์บริสุทธิ์ประกอบด้วยความบริสุทธิ์ภายนอกและภายในความบริสุทธิ์ ความบริสุทธิ์หมายถึงความบริสุทธิ์ทั้งร่างกายและความบริสุทธิ์ของจิตใจ ความบริสุทธิ์ของร่างกายเป็นเบื้องต้นเพื่อความบริสุทธิ์ของจิตใจร่างกายนี้เป็นวัดของพระเจ้า มันควรถูกเก็บไว้ โดยอาบน้ำทุกวันและแต่งตัวสะอาดสะอาดความสะอาดเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการเป็นส่วนคำนวณจำกัดในอาหารจะทำให้จิตใจบริสุทธิ์ อาหารการออกกำลังกายนั่งมีอิทธิพลต่อการคิดSattvic อาหารทำให้จิตใจบริสุทธิ์ ความบริสุทธิ์ของอาหารที่นำไปสู่ความบริสุทธิ์ของจิตใจ ทำใจเท่านั้นขึ้นของเค้าดีของอาหาร เป็นอาหาร ดังนั้นคือจิตใจYou must be pure in thought, word and deed. Your heart must be as pure as crystal or theHimalayan snow. Then only the divine light will descend. Purity comprises such virtues asfrankness, innocence, straightforwardness and absence of all evil thoughts. He who is endowedwith purity will find it easy to tread the spiritual path.29HINDU DHARMASelf-controlYou must have perfect self-control or self-mastery. Self-control implies both control of thebody and control of the mind. Self-control does not mean self-torture. You must lead awell-regulated and disciplined life. You must keep all the senses under your perfect control. Thesenses are like turbulent and wild horses. This body is like a chariot. Mind is the reins. Intellect isthe driver. The Atman is the Lord of the chariot. If the senses are not kept under proper control, theywill throw this chariot into a deep abyss. You will come to ruin. He who keeps the reins firm anddrives this chariot intelligently by controlling the horses (senses), will reach the destination(Moksha or the Abode of Eternal Bliss) safely.Self-control implies self-sacrifice, annihilation of egoism, patience, endurance, forbearanceand humility. Overcome Raga or attachment by Vairagya or dispassion. Dispassion will dawn inyour mind if you look into the defects of sensual life such as birth, death, disease, old age, pain,sorrow, etc. (Mithya-Drishti and Dosha-Drishti). Overcome anger and hatred by Kshama orforgiveness, love and selfless service. Overcome evil by good. Return good for evil. Overcome lustby the practice of Brahmacharya and regular Japa and meditation. Conquer greed by charity,generosity and disinterested actions. Conquer pride by humility and delusion by discrimination andenquiry. Overcome jealousy by magnanimity, Atma-bhava and nobility. Conquer egoism byself-sacrifice, self-surrender, self-abnegation and meditation on the non-dual, eternal,self-luminous Brahman, the innermost Self, the Inner Ruler, the Immortal.May you all attain eternal bliss and immortality through the practice of the cardinal virtuesor the fundamental Dharma.VARNASRAMA DHARMAThe principle of Varnasrama Dharma is one of the basic principles of Hinduism. TheVarnasrama system is peculiar to Hindus. It is a characteristic feature of Hinduism. It is alsoprevalent throughout the world according to Guna-Karma (aptitude and conduct), though there isno such distinct denomination of this kind, elsewhere.The duties of the castes are Varna Dharma. The four castes are Brahmana, Kshatriya,Vaisya and Sudra. The duties of the stages in life are Asrama Dharma. The four Asramas or ordersof life are Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sannyasa.THE PRINCIPLEHuman society is like a huge machine. The individuals and communities are like its parts. Ifthe parts are weak and broken, the machine will not work. A machine is nothing without its parts.The human body also can work efficiently if its parts and organs are in sound and strong condition.If there is pain in any part of the body, if there is disease in any organ or part of the body, this humanmachine will go out of order. It will not perform its usual function or work.So is the case with the human society. Every individual should perform his dutiesefficiently. The Hindu Rishis and sages formed an ideal scheme of society and an ideal way of30ALL ABOUT HINDUISMindividual life, which is known by the name Varnasrama Dharma. Hinduism is built on VarnasramaDharma. The structure of the Hindu society is based on Varnasrama Dharma. Observance ofVarnasrama Dharma helps one’s growth and self-evolution. It is very indispensable. If the rules areviolated, the society will soon perish.The aim of Varnasrama Dharma is to promote the development of the universal, eternalDharma. If you defend Dharma, it will defend you. If you destroy it, it will destroy you. Therefore,never destroy your Dharma. This principle holds true of the individual as much as of the nation. It isDharma alone which keeps a nation alive. Dharma is the very soul of man. Dharma is the very soulof a nation also.In the West and in the whole world also, there is Varnasrama, though it is not rigidlyobserved there. Some Western philosophers have made a division of three classes, viz.,philosophers, warriors and masses. The philosophers correspond to the Brahmanas, warriors toKshatriyas and the masses to Vaisyas and Sudras. This system is indispensable to keep the society
in a state of perfect harmony and order.
In Purusha-Sukta of the Rig-Veda, there is reference to the division of Hindu society into
four classes. It is described there that the Brahmanas came out of the face of the Lord, the Creator,
Kshatriyas from His arms, Vaisyas from His thighs, and the Sudras from His feet.
This division is according to the Guna and Karma. Guna (quality) and Karma (kind of work)
determine the caste of a man. This is supported by Lord Krishna in the Gita, also. He says in the
Gita: “The four castes were emanated by Me, by the different distribution of qualities and actions.
Know Me to be the author of them, though the actionless and inexhaustible” (Ch. IV-13).
There are three qualities or Gunas, viz., Sattva (purity), Rajas (passion) and Tamas (inertia).
Sattva is white, Rajas is red and Tamas is black. These three qualities are found in man in varying
proportions. Sattva preponderates in some persons. They are Brahmanas. They are wise persons or
thinkers. They are the priests, ministers or philosophers who guide kings or rulers. In some, Rajas is
predominant. They are Kshatriyas. They are warriors or men of action. They fight with the enemies
or invaders and defend the country. In some, Tamas is predominant. They are Vaisyas or traders.
They do business and agriculture and amass wealth. Sudras are the servants. None of these qualities
is highly developed in them. They serve the other three castes.
In a broad sense, a Sattvic man, who is pious and virtuous and leads the divine life, is a
Brahmana, a Rajasic man with heroic quality is a Kshatriya, a Rajasic man with business tendencies
is a Vaisya and a Tamasic man is a Sudra. Hitler and Mussolini were Kshatriyas. Ford was a Vaisya.
Serenity, self-restraint, austerity, purity, forgiveness, and also, uprightness, knowledge,
Realisation and belief in God are the duties of the Brahmanas, born of (their own) nature. Prowess,
splendour, firmness, dexterity, and also, not flying from battle, generosity and lordliness are the
duties of the Kshatriyas, born of (their own) nature. Agriculture, cattle-rearing and trade are the
duties of the Vaisyas, born of (their own) nature. And action consisting of service is the duty of the
Sudras, born of (their own) nature.
The Law of Spiritual Economics
The underlying principle in caste system or Varna Dharma, is division of labour. Rishis
studied human nature carefully. They came to the conclusion that all men were not equally fit for all
kinds of work. Hence, they found it necessary to allocate different k
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