Helping on the farm can I help you on the farm today?' he asked. "I'll do anything. I'll turn some more of the manure heap, if you like.' smiled. "Come and Mrs Walsh looked at him, and have a cup of coffee with me," she said, "and then we'll begin. farm. He worked so Matty spent his first real day on a hard, and enjoyed it all, even the dirty, smelly jobs. He turned the manure heap, cleaned out the cow shed, and took food to the pigs. Later, he helped Mrs Walsh with the milking, and he learnt the names of the seven cows. He had lunch and tea with Mrs Walsh in the kitchen, and he felt really happy. For him, it was a wonderful day Joe and Willie enjoyed their day in town too, but on Sunday it rained, and they were bored and cross. On Monday evening it rained again. "That's it!' said Willie. "I've had enough! Matty, let's go home tomorrow.' "You can do what you like, Willie," Matty said, "but I'm staying until the end of our holiday. What about you, Joe?' But Joe agreed with Willie Joe and Willie didn't go home the next day. They planned to, but they were just finishing breakfast when 27