Drying of fruits into leather will help to reduce the postharvest losses due to highly perishable nature of the fruits as are sult of high moisture content and help in the utilization of seasonal fruits such as Banana, Pineapple, and Apple, to extend their shelf life. Thephysico-chemicalparameterstudiedshowedthatsample814 had the highest Total Soluble Solid, TSS(20.07g)and also had the highest Total Titratable Acid, TTA(0.42%).Sample314had the highest pH(6.11)while sample 443 had the least pH(5.93). Also sample314had the highest vitamin C(22.33mg/100g). The proximate composition also showed that sample 819 was higher in Ash(1.20%),protein (0.71%)and Carbohydrate (84.71%),while sample 314 had the highest fibre content(12.47).