Daniel Patton also commented on the connection between experiential learning and the
Quality Enhancement Plan and noted similar elements to the definition of experiential
learning as related to that plan:
Right I mean that our new, sort of a, quality enhancement program, you’re going
to hear that, you know, QEP, a lot because that’s part of our goal for SACS, for
our accreditation body, to have one specific area where we concentrate on or we
can, sort of, focus on and that is experiential learning. And that can take any kind
sort of a mutation from speakers in the classroom, students doing service learning,
to actually internships and, you know, independent studies, things like that that
[where] we put students in situations where they have to make decisions and we
hope that they learn from it.
In talking about the concepts of co-curricular programming and integrated or
experiential learning with faculty members all faculty respondents seemed to understand
those concepts as relating to something beyond or outside of the classroom context.