“In the end, I am forced to get up as well. I’m a slave after all so, it’s my destiny in which I will not be able to go against my liege.” [Marina]
Despite saying that, Marina didn’t seem to be vexed at all. On the contrary, she looked happy about it. As I thought, she’s a foolish child.
“Yes yes. I want to ride in this carriage with Marina together so the earlier request will definitely not be accepted no matter what.” [Jirou]
“Oh my. Jirou-sama’s love to slaves is strong, isn’t it? It’s not really the continuation to the conversation we had last night but, it’s actually not a rare case to find masters who make their slaves run after the carriage.” [Hetty]
Were there really people who make their slaves run like that?……….The carriage has started moving now but, it is actually gaining more speed than I thought. I think the speed is roughly the same as the speed of a bike. Well, going after this by foot is considerably hard or rather, it’s really harsh to make them run after the carriage. It’s a different story if someone were to do it for the sake of training though.
If it so happens that they encountered thugs or demons on their way, wouldn’t they become too tired to accomplish their tasks at the end of the day? It’s seriously inefficient.
“It’s Marina’s first time riding something like a carriage. There were only carts back in Marina’s village.” [Marina]
“This is my first time riding a carriage too. It doesn’t shake as much as I expected. I’ll need to examine the mechanism used for this carriage later on…….The suspension must be really good despite the wheels. In the first place, does spring exists here?…….” [Jirou]
“Jirou-sama seems to have deep insight. Just as what you have said, we use the spring bear’s tendon for this carriage. We need at least 20 spring bear’s tendon just for one carriage so this carriage is actually quite a high-end item.” [Hetty]
(Rinkage: They are talking about springs yet they are not referring to the same spring xD)
“Haha, spring bear is it? That’s really something.” [Jirou]
“Marina have seen spring bear coming out from time to time nearby Marina’s village last time too. If it is found by any human, byon! Byon! It will run away.” [Marina]
“What the heck? Is that supposed to be its cry? So is byon the sound of its cry?” [Jirou]
“Byon! Byon! It jumps up and down on the rocky areas of the river. It looks cute when it slips and falls into the river at times. And the sound of its cry is 『Banebanebanee』. 『Banebanebane』.” [Marina]
Marina was making gestures with her hands as she explained. She was even mimicking its cry.
(Rinkage: Spring is meant to be “bane” in Japanese so the bear’s name is actually “Bane Kuma” (Spring Bear). But I think “springspringspring” sounds really strange in comparison to “banebanebane”. Although if you guys want me to change it to “springspringspring” then I can do that too or let me know which you prefer x3 )
They named it “Spring (Bane) Bear” since their cries sounded like “Banebane”? The other world is seriously something.
While having such conversation, I gazed out at the sceneries outside. Before I knew it, we finally arrived at the forest’s entrance to the residence. I have not timed it accurately but it should be roughly 40 minutes. If a carriage took 40 minutes to reach here then, it will likely to take around 30 minutes to travel just by horse.
I got down from the carriage and guided Hetty-san to the place. Come to think of it, it was the first time for Marina too. It would be good if she likes it since this place will be her house too.
“…….it looks like a splendid looking mansion but, it seems to be deserted for a long time. This might be more troublesome than I thought. Could I take a look at the inside?” [Hetty]
“Yes of course. What’s your opinion of this place, Marina?” [Jirou]
“It’s a huge and amazing mansion. It seems to be slightly overgrown with weeds though. When will we start living here, my liege? Tomorrow?” [Marina]
“No no no. We still need to repair and maintain it before we can move in. I don’t know how long it will take though…..” [Jirou]