1﴿ Love
Charlotte ? Together since school
"My husband, Clive, and I have been together since we were 14. We were neighbors
and friends at school and we knew we were right for each other. Some people say that
the world's a big place and that there are lots of fish in the sea, but we're happy. Lots of
my friends are 30 now and they still have not met somebody to love."
Dan ? An office romance
"I met my wife, Jean, when we were working together for a company in Detroit. We
didn't actually work in the same office all day, but we saw each other around the
building. I thought she was really attractive and I asked her out. I guess it was
romantic, but once we were a couple, it was difficult. We saw so much of each other
and if we had an argument, everyone knew about it. It was easier when Jean changed
her job."
Sarah ? A vacation romance
"Meeting Tony was all very romantic. I was on vacation with friends in Goa in India. I
met this really gorgeous guy and as soon as we started talking, I realized he was from
the USA, too. We had a great time together for the week that we were there. At the end
of the vacation, he said he'd phone, but he never did."
Tom ? Through a dating agency
"I know some people think it's a bit strange to meet your true love through a dating
agency, but that's what happened to me. I was 33 and still hadn't met the right person.
My friends persuaded me to join the agency and finally I agreed. I made a video all
about myself and said what I was looking for. After only a few days I met Tina and we
were perfect for each other. Seven years later we're married and have two lovely