The thread will simply be closed and removed. It's impossible for us to support offers that we're not
familiar with.
With all that said you need to first determine your budget before selecting an offer. As a general rule
of thumb, the more an offer pays, the more testing budget you're going to need to see if it works or
not. Why is this Ryan?
If an offer pays $10 - $20 then one or two conversions can make a big different in your ROI.
Whereas if an offer pays $0.80 - $5 you'll know if a particular source of traffic is going to work after
your first $50 - $100 spend.
Obviously if you spend $50 and don't have a conversion on an offer that pays $1.20, then spending
more isn't going to magically make it turn profitable. Something is off rather it be specific targeting
or an audience that isn't engaged in what you're promoting. So those of you that have a limited
budget and need to make the most out of your spend should start with the lower paying offers.
This will teach you the basics to buying traffic and once you start making more capital you can
graduate to the higher paying offers. If you have a larger budget and are able to spend more than $50
- $100 on your initial testing then you can select higher paying offers. Just please keep in mind your
risk tolerance.
Don't spend above your means or get yourself in debt to try and become successful. I promise it
doesn't work like that. We've had many members here first become successful with the lower paying
offers and some still do VERY good volume with them.
At Revived Media we work very hard each and every week to provide DETAILED newsletters with
the offers that are working and how. Overall, these are the offers you need to be focusing on. While
everything we bring into Revived is known to work and convert well, if you're just getting started
you need to focus on the hottest offers because they have a lot more room for a margin of error. Once
you get more