In the present study, the volume of blood vessels
of placental villi significantly increased and the
volume of villous surface fibrin decreased in PP
group compared to the C group. Although no
quantitative and stereological studies have been
carried out yet on microscopic parameters of the
placenta in PP patients, this study provided some
quantitative information for cases of PP. Some
stereological studies have been accomplished on
other diseases affecting placenta, such as preeclampsia
(13), anemia, hypoxia, diabetes and
gestational diabetes (14).
DiscussionIn the present study, the volume of blood vesselsof placental villi significantly increased and thevolume of villous surface fibrin decreased in PPgroup compared to the C group. Although noquantitative and stereological studies have beencarried out yet on microscopic parameters of theplacenta in PP patients, this study provided somequantitative information for cases of PP. Somestereological studies have been accomplished onother diseases affecting placenta, such as preeclampsia(13), anemia, hypoxia, diabetes andgestational diabetes (14).
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