Annex B
Method of Washing and Ritual Cleansing
According to Hukum Syara’ for Najis
B1. Washing and Ritual Cleansing Method
B1.1 Najis Mukhaffafah
The article which has been in contact with Najis Mukhaffafah is cleansed by sprinkling water onto the article.
B1.2 Najis Mutawassitah
The article which has been in contact with Najis Mutawassitah is cleansed by running or pouring water over the article.
Dipping of the article which has been in contact with Najis Mutawassitah is permitted if the container contains at least 2 qullah of water.
B1.3 Najis Mughallazhah
The article which has been in contact with Najis Mughallazhah is cleansed by washing it seven times with water, of which once shall be water mixed with soil (Note : The amount of soil used is just enough to make a suspension).
B2. Pre-cleansing requirements for all types of najis
B2.1 Physical part of najis and its characteristics to be removed.
With respect to all types of najis, its physical part and its characteristics shall be removed completely prior to ritual cleansing.
In the case where all the three characteristics of the najis cannot completely disappear, it is sufficient that two characteristics have completely disappeared, one of which shall be the characteristic of taste.