We should first find out the room number his or her name and the method of their payment afterwards we should check the bill request a payment politely if necessary as well as the room key or the card with cash playments we shouldn’t except warn or destroy bank notes if necessary we must check the bank don’t the light control system in regards to payments made with toreign currncy we should first control whether the banknote is in circulation or not we should accept the foreign currency after putting them through the necessary control devices in regards to curroncy change proceduress we should in form the customer about the commission other facility it there is any we must absolutely prepare a currency exchange document and give a copy to the guest on payments made with the credit card . We should enter the amount to be paid in the machineAnd ask the gas politely to and book his or her pin number after receiving and controlling the invoice information. We shouldn’t forget to sign the invoiced. We might ask our gas to fill out a questionnaire in order to leam whether. He or she was his or her suggestions and the man’s if there are any we should send of a guest by using kind words such as. We eould be glad to host you look at home.