from academic benefi ts, this study could also
provide a warning to corporate stakeholders to
become watchful and to inspect the investment
behavior of the manager and/or executive. This
is because they could infl uence corporate values
and stakeholder status.
Flora F. Niu (2006), reported the impact of
corporate governance qualitative to earnings as
fi nancial report. The study signifi ed the relationship
between corporate governance and accounting
earnings quality, focusing on importance of proper
results in performance. And due to the accounting
earnings quality as a measure of performance
frequently mentioned in a research literature,
empirical test results indicated that overall
governance quality was negatively related to the
criterion level abnormally accrued and to positive
infl uence over earnings return relation. Apart from
these, importance of criterion abnormally accrued
has also a negative relation with the independence
level of board measured by marketing and
accounting basics:
1. An accounting-based measure of earnings
2. A market-based measure of earnings
informativeness (the return-earnings association)
Scope of this Research
The variables used in this Study comprised
independent variables and dependent variables,
as follows:
Data and Samples
Two types of variables are used in this study,
the independent and dependent variables.
1. Independent Variables are the variables of
interest which include:
1.1 Board of Structure: Board Size, Board
Meetings, CEO Duality, Audit Committee
1.2 Ownership Structure and Shareholding:
Block Holding 5%, Institutional Ownership,
Foreign Ownership, Family Ownership
1.3 Executive Compensation: Compensation
for Board of Directors
1.4 Transparency and Disclosure: Sum of
Transparency and Disclosure.
2. Dependent Variables which include:
2.1 Earnings Persistence
2.2 Earnings Informativeness
Research Methodology
Population and study period: Companies
listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, a total of
534 fi rms, operating in the past year (2010–2012).
Duration of study taken is 3 years.
Sampling is the companies listed on the Stock
Exchange of Thailand, operating in the past year
(2010–2012).They must submit fi nancial statement
to the Stock Exchange of Thailandthe ones listed
there, Thailand, for the accounting period of 1
January – 31 December of yearly data collection
in SET Index, except companies with following
characteristics that will not be included in the
study; that is to say, such companies provide
fi nancial services for fi nance and securities groups,
banking and insurance because these industrial
groups have distinctive asset and liability that
differ from other industries, revoked companies
or companies of similar status. And there are