Knowing Your Stakeholders
After developing an initial understanding of the stakeholders involved in an issue,
performing a more detailed stakeholder analysis can be useful. Age, gender, culture,
and many other variables influence how a participatory mapping effort will be
received. A stakeholder analysis provides this additional information. The more
that is known about the stakeholders, the better the process and the results. A
stakeholder analysis can also be used to identify gaps in stakeholder representation.
Stakeholder analysis involves asking a standard set of relevant questions
of all those targeted for participation in the project. These questions
can be directed at some of the finer information needs surrounding your
participatory process, such as the level of technology that should be
used, the time and day of the week meetings should be scheduled, and the
identification of stakeholders who do not interact well with one another.
Data for a stakeholder analysis can be collected through several avenues,
including secondary information sources (e.g., websites, newspapers, public
reports), direct communication with stakeholders (e.g., interviews and
attendance at stakeholder functions), and interaction with a local host who is
thoroughly familiar with local social and political landscapes. Establishing a
relationship with a local host who is willing to introduce the project and the
project team to the community offers the dual benefits of providing important
information on stakeholders and gaining community trust and support.
Knowing Your StakeholdersAfter developing an initial understanding of the stakeholders involved in an issue,performing a more detailed stakeholder analysis can be useful. Age, gender, culture,and many other variables influence how a participatory mapping effort will bereceived. A stakeholder analysis provides this additional information. The morethat is known about the stakeholders, the better the process and the results. Astakeholder analysis can also be used to identify gaps in stakeholder representation.Stakeholder analysis involves asking a standard set of relevant questionsof all those targeted for participation in the project. These questionscan be directed at some of the finer information needs surrounding yourparticipatory process, such as the level of technology that should beused, the time and day of the week meetings should be scheduled, and theidentification of stakeholders who do not interact well with one another.Data for a stakeholder analysis can be collected through several avenues,including secondary information sources (e.g., websites, newspapers, publicreports), direct communication with stakeholders (e.g., interviews andattendance at stakeholder functions), and interaction with a local host who isthoroughly familiar with local social and political landscapes. Establishing arelationship with a local host who is willing to introduce the project and theproject team to the community offers the dual benefits of providing importantข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับการมีส่วนได้เสีย และอ้วนชุมชนเชื่อถือ และการสนับสนุน
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