Table 2.
Effect of the gamma radiation dose on the activities of the antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT, APX and GR in leaves.
Dose (Gy) SOD activity (unit/
min/mg of fresh
Increase (%) CAT activity (unit/
min/mg of fresh
Increase (%) APX activity (unit/
min/mg of fresh
Increase (%) GR activity (unit/
min/mg of fresh
Increase (%)
0 (control) 179 ± 31 302 ± 33 5854 ± 202 72 ± 16.7
400 622 ± 93a 200 ± 31 5299 ± 102a 210 ± 2.8a
500 209 ± 68 286 ± 59 5712 ± 247 84 ± 6.5
600 222 ± 8 24.5 589 ± 139a 95.4 5175 ± 125 −11.7 109 ± 3.1b 52.0
The values represent the mean ± S.E. calculated on the basis of results of three replicate experiments.
In the same column, values with different subscripts are statistically significantly different from each other at P < 0.05 according to the Duncan's multiple range test. a Statistically significant difference at P < 0.05 from the value for 0 Gy. b Statistically significant differences at P < 0.05 from the values for 0, 400, and 500 Gy.