With the escalating role of computers in educational
system, human computer interaction, is becoming gradually
more important part of it. The general believe is that with the
progress in computing speed, communication technologies, and
display techniques the existing HCI techniques may become a
constraint in the effectual utilization of the existing information
flow. The development of user interfaces influences the changes
in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Human hand
gestures have been a mode of non verbal interaction widely used.
The vocabulary of hand gesture communication has many
variations. It ranges from simple action of using our finger to
point at and using hands to move objects around for more
complex expressions for the feelings and communicating with
others. Also the hand gestures play a prominent role in teaching
considering the explanations and exemplifications being highly
dependent on hand gestures. Naturalistic and intuitiveness of the
hand gesture has been an immense motivating aspect for the
researchers in the field of Human Computer Interaction to put
their efforts to research and develop the more promising means
of interaction involving human and computers. The pursuance
for the Human Computer Interaction research is moved by the
central dogma of removing the complex and cumbersome
interaction devices and replacing them with more obvious and
expressive means of interaction which easily comes to the users
with least cognitive burden like hand gestures.
This paper designs a simple, natural system for gestural
interaction between the user and computer for providing a
dynamic user interface. The gesture recognition system uses
image processing techniques for detection, segmentation,
tracking and recognition of hand gestures for converting it to a
meaningful command. This hand gesture recognition system has
been proposed, designed and developed with the intensions to
make it a substitute for mouse while making dynamic user
interface between human and machine. Hence instead of making
effort to develop a new vocabulary of hand gesture we have
matched control instruction set of mouse to subset of most
discriminating hand gestures, so that we get a robust interface.
The interface being proposed here can be substantially applied
towards different applications like image browser, games etc.