5. Findings
5.1. HRM practices
Table 2 shows the HRM practices adopted by the respondent hotels and these are
compared with Hoque’s UK findings in the final column. Given the inclusion of a
majority of hotels that were smaller than Hoque’s cut off of 65 rooms, one might
have expected to find rather less take-up of HRM practices in Barbados than was
found in the UK. However, a comparison with Hoque’s findings showed that the
frequency of the adoption of the HRM practices in Barbados exceeded those in the
UK in 13 out of the 21 practices. Where the take-up was greater in the UK, the
difference was generally only a few percentage points. Of course, it could be argued
that the opportunity to tick a partial up-take may have pushed more of the Barbados
respondents in a positive direction. Nevertheless, this is a very heartening finding.