1. If you were Samantha Parks, how would you prioritize which projects or parts of projects to delegate?
2. In explaining what makes her decisions hard, Parks said, “I hire good people, creative people, to run these projects, and I worry that they will see my oversight and authority as interfering with their creative process.” How can she deal with these concerns without giving up too much control?
3. Should executives try to control projects to maintain their position of authority? Do they have a right to control projects and keep in the loop on important decisions just so they can remain in charge?
4. What are some tasks in an organization that a top executive should never delegate to others?
Questions 1. If You were Samantha Parks, which Prioritize Projects How would You or Parts of Projects to delegate? 2. In explaining what makes her decisions hard, Parks said, "I hire good people, creative people, to run these projects, and I worry that they will see my oversight and authority as interfering with their creative process." How can she deal with these. Without giving up concerns Too much Control? 3. Should executives try to control projects to maintain their position of authority? Do they have a Right to Keep and Control Projects in the loop on important decisions just so they Can remain in charge? 4. What are some tasks in an organization that a top executive should never delegate to others?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

1. If You were Samantha Parks, which Prioritize Projects How would You or Parts of Projects to delegate?
2. In explaining what makes her decisions hard, Parks said, "I hire good people, creative people, to run these projects, and I worry that they will see my oversight and authority as interfering with their creative process." How can she deal with these. Without giving up concerns Too much Control?
3. Should executives try to control projects to maintain their position of authority? Do they have a Right to Keep and Control Projects in the loop on important decisions just so they Can remain in charge?
4. What are some tasks in an organization that a top executive should never delegate to others?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..