Dissolution profiles of all types of tablet look similar, although
the percent dissolved was not the same at all time-points. The total
dissolution time varied with the type of fruit powder tablet dissolved. Pitaya and pineapple tablets were the fastest a complete
dissolution process of 7 min. Guava powder tablet took the longest
duration for complete dissolution at 10 min, while the mango
powder took 8 min to dissolve. From the dissolution profiles it was
clear that for all types of tablets the amount of solute released from
the tablet/percent dissolved was low at the first time step (1 min);
about 10% (pitaya tablet) to 30% (pineapple tablet). However,
maximum amount of solutes were released at the second time step
(2 min). Subsequently, the percent dissolved was decreased again
and the amount of solute released was reduced with time.