was held between May 8-9,2007 at Agricultural Engineering Training Center again to let the role model teachers to produce their web-based instructional media, presented, evaluated by the specialists.
5.4 The 4 th stage (Intervention and Change) Intervention Interpretation and Change followed by the role model teachers, by changes from normal learning to the web-based instruction under the experts’ help, Moodle’s learning development, the simplification of the communicative administration and the networking. The system administration can be
divided into 2 parts.
5.4.1 The media should be practiced in all
24 colleges by the role model teachers between May 23-August16
2007 ( the 4 th stage)
5.4.2 The media had to evaluated by 24 role model teachers, students using a set of questionnaires ( 30copies;
15 copies for the students and the rest 15 for the teachers). The evaluation valued in 3 aspects of qualification between May to August 2007.
5.5 The 5 th stage (Evaluation)
The research procedure must be constantly evaluated from the start until meet the end. After being completely evaluated, the role model teachers had to use the web-based instructional media, still being evaluated in class and presented on August 10-12, 2007. The educates ( educational experts ) were invited to take part in evaluating and using the standard evaluation form to check the points. The evaluation had to be constantly taken by considering the project’s result of each group of the role model teachers which were consisted of 4 role model teachers in each subjects. There was also another kind of evaluation. It was the private evaluation. Each role model teacher had to indicate the part which he/ she took the responsibility because the role model teaching valued in co-operative working. The teacher supervisor and the committee were responsible in project’s evaluation by considering, and all the web sites were systematically evaluated.
Research analysis and evaluation had to be constantly made. Web-based instructional