Indian market presents a classic picture for the
probiotics market. Although there are a number
of challenges to be faced, the opportunities appear
bright. If the companies can create awareness and
proper distribution and marketing strategies, along
with standardization of products by the
government, Probiotics market can really prove
to be a winner. Yakult, one of the leading players
in the probiotics market globally, with its unique
marketing strategies and promotional campaigns,
too can emerge as the face of Indian probiotics
market. Following its philosophy of creating brand
relevance in the market, by generating awareness
among the consumers, thus creating its own brand
value and gradually growing its own market in
India. But it still has various customer mindset
challenges which it needs to overcome in order
to make its mark in the FMCG market in India.
Indian market presents a classic picture for theprobiotics market. Although there are a numberof challenges to be faced, the opportunities appearbright. If the companies can create awareness andproper distribution and marketing strategies, alongwith standardization of products by thegovernment, Probiotics market can really proveto be a winner. Yakult, one of the leading playersin the probiotics market globally, with its uniquemarketing strategies and promotional campaigns,too can emerge as the face of Indian probioticsmarket. Following its philosophy of creating brandrelevance in the market, by generating awarenessamong the consumers, thus creating its own brandvalue and gradually growing its own market inIndia. But it still has various customer mindsetchallenges which it needs to overcome in orderto make its mark in the FMCG market in India.
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