The fruit were randomly divided into three lots and each lot was
given one of the following three treatments: (1) control fruit
(without packaging); (2) MAP1, sealed in packages made of Xtend1
film XF.A12 (Cod: 815-PG3, Patent no: 6190710, StePac Co., Antalya,
Turkey); (3) MAP2, sealed in bags made of ZOEpac (Patent no:
203563, Serpak Co., Antalya, Turkey).
The fruit were randomly divided into three lots and each lot wasgiven one of the following three treatments: (1) control fruit(without packaging); (2) MAP1, sealed in packages made of Xtend1film XF.A12 (Cod: 815-PG3, Patent no: 6190710, StePac Co., Antalya,Turkey); (3) MAP2, sealed in bags made of ZOEpac (Patent no:203563, Serpak Co., Antalya, Turkey).
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