Also, if all 7 samples are tested, it creates a large backlog on VTI, and it becomes difficult to make progress on this project and on other projects. Maybe just test the 0.8 and the 3.5 ton samples for now. Depending on the results, the testing backlog, and other testing priorities, maybe more testing can be completed later.
A DOE will provide much more information, so it should become the priority.
So yes, please go ahead and complete the below DOE. The following are all the steps required to complete this DOE.
STEPS for DOE (Compression Force & Ratio Variable DOE)
1. Choose a tablet die.
2. Determine the highest and lowest compression forces for a 100:0 ratio carbon tablet with this die.
3. Determine the highest and lowest compression forces for a 0:100 silica gel tablet with this die.
4. Using the information gathered in the 2nd and 3rd step, set the upper and lower compression for the DOE:
a. If the high force for the carbon tablet is 3.5 tons and the high force for silica tablet is 4 tons, the lower of the two values will be used. So 3.5 tons will become the upper compression limit for the DOE.
b. If the low force for a carbon tablet is 0.5 tons and the low force for silica gel is 1.0 tons, the higher of the two values will be used. So 1.0 tons is the lower compression limit for the DOE.
5. Build the 5 tablets in the chart below (the upper and lower compression forces will be different, these are calculated in steps 2,3,4 above). The middle tablet compression force will always be halfway between the upper and lower limits.
6. Collect thickness, dry basis weight, and isotherm data for all 5 tablets. (Maybe BET data too.)
All the other tablets made with different ratios and forces can be estimated from this data! So, thank you in advance for your work on this DOE! It will be very valuable to have this information