Using the same carrot - distilled water ratio as above mentioned,
carrot samples were subjected to blanching with boiling
water for 1 min (CB-1), with water at 95 C for 5 min (C95-5) and
at 60 C for 40 min (C60-40) using a hot-plate with temperature
control (IKA RCT Basic Labortechnik, Staufen, Germany). Carrot
sample CS-2 was pretreated by steam blanching for 2 min using
an autoclave (CERTOCLAV CV-EL GS, Austria) operating under
atmospheric pressure conditions.
All assays (US and conventional) were performed in duplicate.
After treatments, samples were cooled in an ice-water bath and
conveniently drained and dried with absorbent paper to remove
the excess of distilled water.