On August 26 and 30, 2011, the plankton in water samples
collected within and outside of dense patches of C. polykrikoides in
Shinnecock Bay was collected on two different filters, 0.2 mm pore
size (‘total’) and 5 mm pore size (‘>50), for T-RFLP analysis. 16S
rRNA gene T-RFLP profiles (Fig. 5A) revealed differences between
samples collected within and outside of dense patches of C.
polykrikoides (indicated with bloom and non-bloom, respectively).
T-RFs 177R, 269Y, 160R and 272Y were only observed in the total
fraction of non-bloom samples while the relative abundances of
T-RFs 290Y in the total and 180R in the >5 mm size fraction were
significantly (p < 0.05) higher (Fig. 5A and B) in the bloom samples.
Conversely, in the >5 mm size fraction T-RFs 87R and 34R was
significantly more abundant in the non-bloom sample (Fig. 5B).
On August 26 and 30, 2011, the plankton in water samplescollected within and outside of dense patches of C. polykrikoides inShinnecock Bay was collected on two different filters, 0.2 mm poresize (‘total’) and 5 mm pore size (‘>50), for T-RFLP analysis. 16SrRNA gene T-RFLP profiles (Fig. 5A) revealed differences betweensamples collected within and outside of dense patches of C.polykrikoides (indicated with bloom and non-bloom, respectively).T-RFs 177R, 269Y, 160R and 272Y were only observed in the totalfraction of non-bloom samples while the relative abundances ofT-RFs 290Y in the total and 180R in the >5 mm size fraction weresignificantly (p < 0.05) higher (Fig. 5A and B) in the bloom samples.Conversely, in the >5 mm size fraction T-RFs 87R and 34R wassignificantly more abundant in the non-bloom sample (Fig. 5B).
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