Why we should drink coffee in daily life?
Thesis: Although some believe that some chemical in coffee bring the bad effect to human body, a coffee is benefit for our body anyway.
Section/Paragraph #1: Coffee contains a useful chemical for human body.
1. The most useful chemical is called “Antioxidants”.
- Antioxidants are chemicals that fight free radicals — elements found naturally in the body or in environmental toxins that damage cells and may play a part in causing cancer.
- Coffee provides a better source of antioxidants than even fruits or vegetables
2. Some chemical in coffee involve lessen the symptoms of many disease.
- Parkinson’s disease : People who use caffeine are less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease and caffeine can help with movement symptoms for people who already have the disease.
- Alzheimer’s disease : People who drunk more coffee at midlife were significantly less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and drinking five cups of coffee a day could even reverse memory problems seen in Alzheimer's disease.
- Type II diabetes : Caffeine decreases your insulin sensitivity and impairs glucose tolerance, therefore reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes.
Section/Paragraph #2: Coffee provide a lot of benefit for the body system.
1. Boosts your physical performance
- Have a cup of black coffee about an hour before workout and your performance can improve by 11-12%.
2. Help you lose weight and help your fat burn
- Coffee helps the human body use insulin, regulating blood sugar levels and reducing your craving for sugary treats and snacks and help fat cells break down body fat and use it as fuel for training.
3. Less stressed
- People who were exposed to coffee aromas experienced changes in brain proteins tied to that stress its make them relax.
4. Make You Smarter
Paragraph #3: Coffee do not cause cancer.
1. There is no strong evidence that coffee can cause a cancer.
- Studies found that coffee consumption was not related to increased risk of cancer because coffee has a variety of phytochemicals which help reduce and control growth of cancer cell in the body.
2. ‘Very hot cup’ is the major key of being cancer.
- The World Health Organization's cancer (WHO) said very hot drink are probably carcinogenic, at the same time the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) suggest that drinking anything very hot around 65-degree Celsius or above might do cause cancer of the esophagus.
Conclusion: Coffee does not be a cause of cancer as some belief. It contains a lot of useful chemical to human body which enhance the body system’s working. The coffee lover should avoid drinking a very hot drink which is the major key of being a cancer.