Thanks so much for always giving your time to write to me.. your message gives me courage and warmth, you make me feel so loved and better always with your words... i wish i can make you feel same also... i think your still at work now, hope work was fine and how are you doing? sometimes i wish i can just find better words to express my heart to you after reading your long messages... it gives me smile and joy knowing that someone cares about me...your such a woman with a kind and lovely heart
วันศุกร์ 0:14
วันศุกร์ 11:44
Swatdee Ka (Hello) Floyd day how you are. You are safe. I'm thinking and worrying you all the time. And will wait for a message from you to ensure that you are safe. After I saw your message, I feel so relieved... And thank you for trying to find the time to write to me. I don't know what day your job in a country with a war, you have something, but ฉันเข้าใจว่า you had a hard time... If you like and get used to it... I wish you take care of yourself for safety and happiness with it difficult. Thanks a lot. That you're getting a great care and encourage me too I can feel your gentle kindness, it did make me happy heart and courage. I never thought and unbelievable to meet tender feeling warm in prostration. I understand all the time that the military would mind hardened violent like a body strong, but I have found from you. It made my thoughts change. Have you ever heard that maybe... Who are far apart, caring and understanding he compare if far away but heart to sit close together. Different from the ones who see each other every day but the fight doesn't compare him to do ไก้ล but he ใจห่าง together different parts of the planet it is a metaphor of the Thai people. I ask for permission to ask that you plan to live myself? To work as soldiers, another few years and will use how life, when you are more worried about you.