1. A. is a document that people seeking jobs develop to
show their skills and experiences to potential employers.
2. is something that one tries to reach on a job. like
a goal or a purpose.
3. Your is the schooling or training you have had. This
could include schools. workshops. on-the-job training, seminars, or any type of relevant
4.Your is a listing of the jobs you have had.
5. Your are the capabilities or things that you are able
to do.
6. are things you have done that you are proud of.
section is one that emphasizes your participation
7. The in relevant activities and any honors you have received.
8. are activities or interests pursued outside one's
regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.
section is a list of professional acquaintances
9 The
who are willing to talk with prospective employers about you and your demonstrated
is a selection of professional quality work that
10. Your
you can give the employer as examples of your capabilities