are needed to be widely introduced throughpublic promotion for people to acknowledge (Chuapetcharasopon 5). Secondly, Bangkok should alter its traffic congestion by using the integratedmass transit system to fulfill people s need of convenient and comfortabletransportation. This would result in a reduction of cars on the road. Bangkok MassTransit Authority (BMTA) already operates over 4,600 buses on 155 routes. Withdeclining passengers, the BMTA has not had enough fund, which causes it toreduce the frequency of buses ( Tackling Traffic ). Currently, 3 major railwayprojects are being built throughout major roads of Bangkok (Berfield and Gearing).The building of a railway system could contribute to a fast circulation of masstransit. Passengers would be able to afford the rail which travels twice as fast thanthe vehicles on the road. BMTA should provide the feeder bus service and busroutes to support passenger transit from the rail train ( Tackling Traffic ). This shiftin passenger use would also enhance the BMTA for better services. In regard to thebuilding of mass transit system, the Park-and-Ride system method could also beused to guide drivers to parking lots adjacent to railway systems. Those entering