It was in 1969. I was about five years old. My brother and I were sleeping and Mum came to wake us up. We didn't really know what was happening. We got dressed and after that we went downstairs. It was the middle of the night We felt really grown-up! We ran into the living room and we saw that the whole family was waitin for us my mum, my dad and my grandparents. Then my Dad switched on our new colour TVI still remember his face. He looked so proud After that we sat and watched the pictures weren't very clear but remember Neil Armstrong was doing a funny sort of dance. And the Earth looked very small and blue Nobody spoke we were so excited, I think the whole world was watching that evening. Finally the programme ended and we went back to bed. But I couldn't sleep. It was an unforgettable night. d W SPEA Say wh It hapl I was Secon Use the the sto Then/A Use the at the ASAWhi remem Say hot